Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara Supports Bill to Help Reduce Food Waste and Assist Those in Need

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara is proud to announce his support for bill A5906A, which aims to expand New York State's food recycling and donation program. This proposed law is designed to tackle the problems of food waste and food insecurity while promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility.

The goal of this legislation is to cut down on food waste by redirecting usable food away from landfills and toward people who need it. By doing so, we can reduce harmful gases emitted from landfills and save money.

"Food waste in landfills contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions," explained Assemblyman Santabarbara. "Expanding our food donation and recycling program allows us to address this issue, support those in need, and lessen our environmental impact."

The bill proposes amendments to the environmental conservation law, allowing businesses that produce large amounts of food waste to participate in the program. Additionally, the bill extends the distance for food donation pickups from 25 to 50 miles, making it easier for more people to participate and increasing accessibility.

"A recent article in the New York Times highlighted the serious impact of food waste on greenhouse gas emissions," noted Assemblyman Santabarbara. "By diverting excess food away from landfills and toward people who need it, we can significantly reduce these harmful emissions."

The expansion of this program aims to address food insecurity by making excess food more accessible to those in need, especially lower-income individuals and families. By reducing costs for businesses and promoting responsible food management, the legislation seeks to minimize food waste and its negative environmental effects.

"As the urgency of climate change grows, it's crucial for New York to prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility," concluded Assemblyman Santabarbara. "By supporting this bill, we're taking a proactive step toward a more resilient and environmentally-conscious future for our state."